Stop the presses!!!! Read all about it!!!! Sacha Baron Cohen, also known as Borat: Assclown Extrordinaire, has given birth to a baby girl!! Wait.. that came out wrong. HE didn't give birth, his fiancee, actress Isla Fisher, whom most of us remember as the crazy chick from Wedding Crashers, gave birth. But I'm guessing that he had something to do with it. The couple are not yet married but Fisher has recived the approval of Cohen's parents. Yay.
Secondly, gasps could be heard across the globe on Thursday when it was announced that legendary "heterosexual" life partners Corey Haim and Corey Feldman had "broken up". Both men were teen actors and had appeared alongside each other in films such as "Lost Boys", "Stand by Me", and "Butt Buddies Vol. 4". The pair recently had a television show on A&E, entitled, you guessed it, The Two Coreys (bonus points for originality). Apparently, Feldman feels that Haim is "not mature enough" and that "he has some issues to work out". REALLY????? Personally, i believe that all child stars should be executed when they reach the peak of their career, so we don't have to deal with their drug habits and mid life crisises. Oh, and in case anyone was wondering (which im sure they're not), Feldman has reportedly dropped out of the MUCH ANTICIPATED Lost Boys Sequel, Lost Boys 2: The Molestation. So heartbreaking. Peace out cub scouts.