Hayden Panettiere from NBC's Heroes is very sexy, but also a bit of a psycho. Allegedly, on Sunday at the Prime Time Emmy's, Hayden threatened journalists saying she would "kill" a reporter if they reported about her love life. It's said that the article in "US Weekly" that had caused her to be infuriated was about her recent break up with Laguna Beach star Stephen Colletti (people used to tell me I looked like him).
The article asked her where Stephen was at the MTV Video Awards and she replied, "I don't know. In California?" She was pissed and lost her temper at the reporter, but was restrained by her publicist (I need one of these) who told her "the red carpet was not the place".
So that goes to show you don't mess with actresses, especially high maintenance ones like the ladies from Heroes. You don't FUCK with Clair Bennet, even if she is just from a TV show. She is indestructible and isn't to be taken on by the faint hearted. I hope you now realize the seriousness of this situation and my insanity level. Have a nice day! :)
whoa shes weird
you put he love life
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Good for her.
Shes being followed 24/7. It would drive me crazy too.
Hayden did the right thing.
Even though i think this article is bullshit. all she said was "In California?" No death threat.
your just looking for pulls.
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