They're all movies that I HAVE to see. HAVE to. MUST! These movies are going to seriously kick some ass, and no one in their right mind should miss them. Because I said so.
First, the long (well maybe not too long, but it seemed long) awaited sequel to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight. Although this film doesn't come out until July 08, it's already begun to haunt my dreams. The teaser that was released shows NO footage of the film, but just some dialogue and (if you pause it at the right time) a picture of the joker. I AM looking forward to seeing Heath Ledger playing the joker, while many people i know just can't look at him the same since Brokeback. Also, there are several other actors in the film that i'm really looking forward to seeing. Aaron Eckhart of Thank You For Smoking will be playing Harvey Dent. Supposedly Two Face will NOT make an appearance in this film, but i'm still looking forward to Eckhart's performance. Secondly, Anthony Michael Hall, from the best film EVER The Breakfast Club, will be in the film. He'll probably be playing a villain, but as of now his role has not been released. Lastly, Nestor Carbonell, from the greatest TV show on Earth, LOST, will be playing The Mayor of Gotham. Cool.
On to my second movie on the dockett. Anyone who saw Transformers and saw the trailers before the movie is probably asking the same question that i am: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS MOVIE ABOUT??? I am of course talking about "Cloverfield", which is the code name for a monster movie coming out January 18, 2008. The movie is produced by J. J. Abrams, the GENIUS behind Lost, and although there isn't much known about the plot, we know that it takes place in New York City, and there's some kind of monster that is on the attack. There have been speculations that the monster in question could be many things, such as Voltron, Godzilla (highly unlikely), or a Cthulhu, a monster first created by H.P. Lovecraft. Whatever the outcome is, i'm sure the movie will kick ass.
Lastly, I just wanted to comment a bit on Beowulf, a fantasy film based on the epic poem of the same name, coming out November 16th. Now, in my english class right now we're studying old english and the poem Beowulf, so i'm really excited for the movie. Plus it helps that it has some big name stars, like Sir Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, Angelina Jolie, and one of my personal favorites, Crispin Glover. If you've ever heard of the poem or know what it's about, the movie follows the plot of the poem slightly, but deviates on some things. But still, it'll be awesome. Alright that's pretty much all. Peace out cub scout!
yea The Dark Knight Knight is gonna be one of the best movies of the year
Keep up the good work.
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