Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sorry Zac, Not For You!

You know what readers, the fellow writers and I are thinking of changing the blog name to "The Secrets and Lies of Vanessa Hudgens" because we love to post about her. Well, I know I do. Maybe it's her body, because she is damn sexy. I don't know, but anyways, I got some more dirt on her little "PHOTO SCANDAL".

My sister was watching E! News (god, you gotta love Seacrest) and she read the little scrolling things at the bottom and it said (please do not quote me on this), "Vanessa sent the nude pictures not to Zac Efron, but to Nickelodean star Drake Bell". I know what you're thinking, "Drake Bell? WTF!" This story was confirmed by People also. These pictures are said to be a couple years old and before Vanessa was famous. Please, she is trying to pull a "Toasteee". I'm not sure I by this whole story especially when Drake Bell's representative has denied that he ever received such pictures.

Oh Vanessa, next she'll be trying to spill the whole story on me saying I was supposed to receive them. Now would I appreciate them, hell yes, but someone needs to stop bringing other people into the story. Drake Bell is too innocent, and plus he is a male, and according to the universe, males are ALWAYS innocent and can never be proven guilty. Or maybe it's just because we don't send nude photos to prurient lovers. Well, most don't.


Anonymous said...

this is so funny

A. said...

drake bell looks very old.

Anonymous said...

i want 2 fuck u in ur ass